
"The mind is constantly trying to figure out what page it's on in the story itself. Close the book. Burn the bookmark. End of story. Now the dancing begins."




chocolate, and sweet desires



reminisces, and poetry




blazes, candles and hot long nights.

this is how my summer has been;

and you are somewhere in between.

A Day in London

9:45AM, it was raining.

the roads were wet, the whole world was breathless.

I looked for a shelter, and there it was, a metro station.

I head there. empty-faced people run past me, and I can’t

help but wonder, why do they look so empty

who took everything out of them?

Why do they look like they’re waiting for something?

am I waiting for something too?


10:12AM, I was waiting.

my mind was slowly shutting down

after I’ve let myself drown

In the stranger’s ever-growing sadness

It was driving me to madness.

I needed to flee. I needed to runaway

from their razor-sharp stares.

their invisible tears, 

their never-ending fears.

Give me liberty, or give me a train that goes to Oxford Street.


10:34AM, the rain stopped.

Saturday, August 20; Distress

I was loyal to my promises, to the construction of my

words and to my thoughts. I thought it was safe to get

out of hiding and believe again; but it was not.

The birds that once sang every morning are now gone,

the laughs that filled the walls of my room turned to cries,

and my love, oh, my love is now my greatest distress.

Thursday, May 5; frostbites

And after I healed my frostbites from 

your cold touch, your

stinging ghost followed

me home. 

A cold-blooded guest that

was not welcomed in my 


It hummed all night, 

it visited me in my sleep

It crawled in my bed 

and whispered in a deep

voice all the words that 

would make me weep

all night long. 

Saturday 19; 1AM Advices

 If she is brave enough
to reveal her fragile side
to you, be man enough
to handle it with care.
Do not use it against her,
do not make her regret
what she shared.
Accept her gift of courage
and return it with love,
show her despite her flaws
she’s still more than


Saturday, March 12 

I was promised that 

I would be the new 

dead thing that 

they’d whisper its 

name every night.

I took mercy on myself.

and when I look at you, 

that is the scariest thing 

I could ever do. And when 

I smile, my mind goes blank

and I remember, I am the new dead

thing that will grow sharp in every

mouth. I took mercy on myself.

I took mercy on me.

Thursday, December 17; Skies

Do you know the reasons why I look up at the sky?

because it haunts me.

It’s actually funny..

The day you lose someone isn’t the worst.

It’s all the days you look up at the sky

and their memories haunt your thoughts.

Here I am, looking up at the sky

It’s 11:05PM, and the sky is too quiet.

I am haunted by the thought of you, again.


Monday, November 23; 4AM Poetry

“And when love came to us twice

and lied to us twice

we decided to never love again

that was fair

fair for us

and fair to love itself.

We ask for no mercy or no


we are strong enough to live

and to die and to

kill flies,

attend the box matches, go to the racetrack,

live on luck and skill,

get alone, get alone often,

and if you cant sleep alone

be careful of the words you speak in your sleep;


ask for no mercy

no miracles;

and don’t forget:

time is meant to be wasted,

love fails

and death is useless.”

― Charles Bukowski, What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

Thursday, November 19; A Mystery

How strange it must be.

How strange it must be to not understand your own self. And how frustrating it is to hear people claim that they understand you. No, you don’t. I don’t either. One’s self is a great mystery. A complicated mystery. I am a mystery. You are a mystery, too. So how strange it must be for people to claim that they understand someone’s inner self when in fact they only see what that person chose to share. You’ve only heard what they chose to say in order to improve the silence. It was words that you fell for. Impressions that fooled you. In the end, your claims are not valid. You do not know the deep hell a person has been through, or the miracles someone was blessed with.  You only know the mask they chose to wear in front of you.

Sunday, November 1; Taking Risks

When we’re young, we jump into the pool whether we can swim or not. We take risks, and we have no fear whatsoever. It’s like, we either swim or we drown. Now that we’ve grown up, we became more cautious. We become aware of ourselves and surroundings. In maturity we began to calculate risks and try to avoid them. We began to look for the safer options, and the more easy ones. That is not a way to live. Making the safe decision is boring and predictable. It leads to nowhere new. As Paul Arden once said that, “The unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadn’t thought of.”. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad decision, it just needs to be a decision full of risks that will take you to a place others only dream of being. There is no chance that you are doing the wrong thing. No. Chances are, you’re risking all you’ve got to a great deal of something. Just like there is no right point of view. There is no wrong point of view, too. Whether it’s a popular point of view, or a personal one, you are always wrong and you are always right. So, look at the water once again. Will you jump recklessly, or will you check the depth first?

I say dip a toe in so that you have a better idea what it is you’re jumping into, and then jump with all you’ve got.